Hint: the answer is simpler than you think!
Hint: the answer is simpler than you think! You’re already the perfect mother, so you can stop comparing your version of motherhood to someone else's journey. You’re not the same person who you’re comparing yourself to, sis.
You don’t have her same story, her same journey, her same life, or her same kids.
Stop comparing yourself to another person's journey and realize that you already have all you need to be the perfect mother to your family.
They need you. They need your uniqueness, your silliness, your hugs, your laughs, your ideas. You.
I used to compare myself to others all the time. I used to say “oh I’m not going to be this type of mom, or I’d never do that.” Or something like “I wish I was able to do this like so-and-so. Or why can’t my son do that like hers can?”
The only person I was hurting and letting down in that scenario was my child. While I was focused on admiring another mom's journey and tried to implement it, I wasn’t allowing him to experience all of me and the special ways that only I could be who he needed.
I understood his uniqueness, his character, his likes and dislikes. Even when he was non-verbal, I could understand everything he was saying when no one else could.
I'm not the same person who compares and tries out what other moms are doing. I don't envy their journey, but I admire who they are because of their journey. The same way that I admire myself.
I'm beyond blessed that I get to experience the full extent of who I am as a mother and enjoying my son at the same time.
So don’t deprive your child of your special gift. Show up and be yourself.
Your child only has one mom/bonus mom/step mom/foster mom/adopted mom, whomever.
And that, my dear momma, is you just as you are.
Love Always,
Momma Naturalista