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Writer's pictureMomma Naturalista

Sis, go for your goals...

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

First, Happy Pride Month!!

I know it’s been a while since my last blog post, but a lot has been going on around me, and finding a few minutes to sit and write has been hard. But I’m committed to providing powerful words of encouragement for my mommas.

Dreams vs goals

I want to talk today about encouragement to achieve your dreams and goals. Sometimes in life things may not turn out the way that we think they should. But when we stop and really take inventory of the things that we have and the support that we have to reach it, we realize that reaching our goals is even that much closer than we imagined.

Are you dreaming of...

Have you ever had a dream? I mean, like a real dream. A goal that we thought was impossible to reach because we didn’t know how it was going to be achieved.

How long have you had this dream?

Are you taking any steps to reach this goal?

Are you just daydreaming about having it, but not really going after it?

What will it take to turn this dream into a goal?

What is stopping you from achiveing that goal?

Are you thinking that the goal is too big? Maybe it’s that your effort isn’t big enough...

What’s that one dream you have that seems so far out of reach, yet you know it’s all that you want?

Write it down...

I think about my goals and dreams all the time. I write them down, I process them, I imagine what my life would be like if I reach that goal.

My goals are simple and include things like: traveling, starting a successful business that impacts people’s lives, writing and publishing my book, having a productive homestead on own my private land...I can go on and on!

But none of those dreams really matters if I’m not willing to put in the work, right? So I come up with the steps it would take to reach those goals.

As the scripture says, “Submit your plans to the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Well, sis, you actually need plans to know where you’re going!

Call in the support

In my life, I’ve learned that many plans aren’t really achieved unless there are people around to support that vision. We may not need to tell everyone everything that we have planned, but God most certainly places people in our lives who can help us reach those goals.

I can’t even count the number of times God has placed someone in my life who can help answer a question or help me figure out an issue. We just have to pay attention to who those individuals are. Use people who are already in your circle to help you achieve your goals.

Do you want to travel more? Join travel groups, or ask for specific advice about a travel-related question, and see who is able to help you.

Want to start a business? Make the intention known and look for opportunities for others to help you.

Sis, maybe you just want your hair done (been there)…reach out to those in your circle who’s hair you admire and start asking questions!

We have all of these resources around us, so use them to your advantage and seek answers. Then there are fewer reasons to be stuck.

Now go for it!

So take the time to sit…I mean, really, sit down with your goals. Think them over, talk about them as if you’ve already achieved them. Go for them hard, because they are yours and nobody else’s.

I hope this helps. I love you all dearly. Until next time…

Love always,

Momma Naturalista

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